Misc Studf on SSH

Setup Github SSH Connection

When pushing or pulling your stuff to and from github it’s prety anoying to have to enter your password. Rescue comes from SSH - the Secure SHell. SSH can use cyptographic keys instead of username+password to authenticate requests. This is how:

  1. Create Key-Pair
    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/ed25519_cwa_github -C "CWACoderWithAttitude@gmail.com"
    Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /home/pi/.ssh/ed25519_cwa_github
    Your public key has been saved in /home/pi/.ssh/ed25519_cwa_github.pub
    The key fingerprint is:
    SHA256:TjJGkJXK/5ffpmal84Z/ZGx/R6/mICaBzF4Bw7Gtn1c CWACoderWithAttitude@gmail.com
    The key's randomart image is:
    +--[ED25519 256]--+
    |    .+=o         |
    |    ..o=         |
    |   . .o o        |
    |    o+ o .       |
    |     .O S   E  . |
    |     o.B o .  . *|
    |      ..= +..+ =o|
    |        .+o.*o+ *|
    |         . +oX*oo|
  2. Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account Photoprism Menu Copy the contents of your public key file to clipboard a) Either with pbcopy - if available
    $> pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ed25519_cwa_github.pub

    or b) open the public key in a text editor like nano or (n)vim or c) cat file to console and copy from there

    $> $ cat ~/.ssh/ed25519_cwa_github.pub
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGgClkWDu6awkjVGX3OAnJQYtbrGuw/R/MV+NuQwvupb CWACoderWithAttitude@gmail.com
  3. Add key to your account

I. Click your profile photo in the upper right corner II. Select Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH Key III. Give it a reasobale title and paste the public key copied to the Key field

Awesome - your’re good to go to clone and push your repos w/o nasty passwords.